Holiday Intensive Courses
Learn to swim with a lesson five days in a row.
With lessons each day children make excellent progress in their confidence and skills.

Holiday Intensives Courses
Courses will be available for both group and private lessons for children from 3 years old and upwards.
Children can have a lesson 5 days in a row to grow their confidence and progress their skills. Maybe they are new to lessons and an intensive course is a great way to start off. Or if they are struggling with a certain stroke or skill to complete their next badge an intensive course would be great for them.
Course Availability
Easter Holidays 2021 – BOOKING NOW – 12th April @Thomas Moore School, Purley
Intensive courses will be available during the Easter Holidays, May Half Term, and the Summer Holidays.

Easter Intensives Course Dates
Booking Now
Easter Intensive Course – Monday 12th – Friday 16th April 2021 (fingers crossed on government go ahead)
Location: Caterham – Thomas Moore School, Purley
3:30-5pm Half hour slots. Contact for timings and ability groups.
Private lessons also available at these times and small groups to allow for social distancing.